Deployment support.
Invokes the Java compiler
boolean compile ( in Jaguar::List args, in Jaguar::List files, inout string output );
Invokes the Java compiler to compile stubs and skeletons generated for an entity.
boolean compileGeneratedFiles ( in string entityType, in string entityName, in Jaguar::List files, inout string output, out Jaguar::List classFiles );
Configures entities in the Repository using sybase-easerver-config.xml
boolean configureWithXML ( in string localFileName, in Jaguar::Properties options, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Exports a sybase-easerver-config.xml file for the Entity
boolean createXMLConfigFile ( in string entityType, in string entityName, in Jaguar::Properties options, out string localFileName, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Deletes a file in the $JAGUAR/tmpfiles/ directory.
boolean deleteTemporaryFile ( in string temporaryFileName ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Deploys a J2EE ear file, J2EE war file, J2EE jar file, or Jaguar jar file to the Jaguar Server. NOTE: When deploying a J2EE ear, war or jar file, ensure that the localFileName variable representing the file to be deployed has a valid extension(i.e. .war, .ear or .jar).
boolean deployEntity ( in string localFileName, in Jaguar::Properties options, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Exports an entity to a J2EE ear file, J2EE war file, J2EE jar file, or Jaguar jar file.
boolean exportEntity ( in string entityType, in string entityName, in Jaguar::Properties options, out string localFileName, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Generates the skeletons for an entity.
boolean generateSkeletons ( in string entityType, in string entityName, in Jaguar::Properties options, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Generates the stubs for an entity.
boolean generateStubs ( in string entityType, in string entityName, in Jaguar::Properties options, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Generates the stubs and/or skeletons for an entity.
boolean generateStubsAndSkeletons ( in string entityType, in string entityName, in Jaguar::Properties options, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Generates .tlb and .reg files for a Package or Module. This method can only be called if the Server is running on a Windows OS.
boolean generateTlbReg ( in string entityType, in string entityName, in Jaguar::Properties options, out Jaguar::List localTlbFileNames, out Jaguar::List localRegFileNames, out Jaguar::List localMidlFileNames, inout string output ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Gets a list of the extensions installed in Jaguar Returns true if able to read directory, false otherwise
boolean getJavaExtensionNames ( out Jaguar::List names );
Transfers a temporary file from the Jaguar Server to the local file system.
Jaguar::Data getTemporaryFile ( in string localFileName, in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long length ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);
Transfers a local file to the Jaguar Server. NOTE: If transferring a temporary J2EE .war, .jar, or .ear file for deployment ensure that the fileSuffix variable is a valid extension (i.e .war .jar or .ear).
string putTemporaryFile ( in string temporaryFileName, in string fileSuffix, in unsigned long offset, in Jaguar::Data octets, in boolean more ) raises (Jaguar::JaguarException);